Coronavirus Update

COVID-19 and Your Safety

Our office is open and accepting appointments to provide essential care to patients. Our clinic is in complete compliance with current CDC protocols.

We are screening all patients for possible exposure to COVID-19.

Special attention and precautions are given to those over age 65 and those with other conditions that may put them at higher risk.

Our staff and patients are wearing masks, gloves when appropriate and washing hands frequently.

Commonly accessed areas are cleaned and sanitized frequently.

Free phone consultations are available to all patients and those individuals who may call in with questions.

Please let us know how we may be of service to you.

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Understanding Knee Osteoarthritis Risk in Soccer Players

Soccer is a popular sport played by millions worldwide, offering numerous health benefits and an opportunity for team spirit. However, it also poses some risks, particularly concerning knee health. One common concern is whether playing soccer increases th…

Understanding Kyphosis: Causes, Effects, and Therapeutic Interventions

Kyphosis, commonly referred to as hyper-kyphosis, is a spinal curvature that results in an exaggerated forward rounding of the back. This condition can affect individuals of all ages, leading to a range of physical and psychological challenges. In this ar…

Peripheral Neuropathy in the Feet and Balance

Peripheral neuropathy, a condition stemming from damage to the peripheral nerves, often manifests in the feet, leading to symptoms such as numbness, tingling, and pain. This condition does not only cause discomfort but also significantly affects one's bal…

A Guide to Understanding Neck Pain and Whiplash

Neck pain and whiplash are common issues that can impact your daily life significantly. This guide aims to deepen your understanding of these conditions, from their causes to effective treatments and preventive measures.…

Navigating Posterior Tibialis Tendinitis Together

Posterior tibialis tendinitis is a condition that affects a lot of people, especially those who are active or on their feet a lot. Imagine the inside of your ankle and there’s a muscle running down there – that’s your posterior tibialis muscle. It plays a…

How Assistive Devices Can Transform Lives

Have you ever felt like your mobility challenges are holding you back from enjoying life to its fullest? Maybe you've thought about using a cane, crutches, or a front-wheel walker, but you're not quite convinced they're right for you. It's understandable …

Meditation: A Powerful Ally in Managing Pain

Pain, especially chronic pain, affects millions of people worldwide, significantly impacting their quality of life. Traditional medical treatments often focus on medication and physical interventions. However, an increasing body of research highlights the…

Different Strategies for Peak Performance and Injury Prevention

As physical therapists, we often help patients transition from a sports injury back to competitive participation. We’re often asked about warming up to prevent injuries. Traditionally, dynamic warm-ups, as the latest research suggests, significantly enhan…

Radiating Headaches From The Neck: How Physical Therapy Can Help

Headaches can be more than just a nuisance; for many, they are a debilitating part of daily life. However, there's good news for those suffering from cervicogenic headaches, a type of headache originating from the neck. Recent studies have shown that phys…

Back to Basics: Understanding and Tackling Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is like that uninvited guest at a party—it shows up unexpectedly and can be a real pain to deal with! But did you know that not all back pains are the same? They come in different types, each with its own level of "ouch" and ways to get be…

Muscle Strengthening with Physical Therapist Guidance

Physical therapist-directed resistance training (RT) isn't just about building muscles. RT, as a muscle-strengthening exercise, has been proven to not only improve your ability to perform daily activities with greater ease, it can also si…

Understanding Knee Meniscus Tears: A Guide to Healing and Strength

Your knee is a complex part of your body that helps you walk, run, and jump. Inside the knee, there are two special cartilage cushions called the menisci (singular is meniscus). Sometimes, as we get older or when we put too much pressure on our knees, one…

The Power of Physical Therapy, Exercise, and Manual Therapy

Shoulder pain can come from a variety of soft tissue structures, often making everyday activities challenging. Whether it's due to an injury, overuse, or a condition like arthritis, finding relief is crucial for maintaining an active, pain-free lifestyle…

Understanding Fall Prevention: The Role of Physical Therapy

Falls are not just simple accidents. They're a major health concern, especially for older adults. Falls can lead to serious injuries like hip fractures and can even be life-threatening. In fact, data shows that falls resulted in about 3 million emergency …

How Physical Therapy Can Help Fix Your Posture and Ease Your Pain

Have you ever felt like your shoulders are slouching or your neck is always strained? That might be because of something called Upper Cross Syndrome. It's a fancy term for when our muscles get out of balance because of bad posture. But do…

Beating Achilles Tendinopathy: The Power of Eccentric Exercise

Achilles Tendinopathy is a common and painful condition affecting our Achilles tendon, the tough band connecting the calf muscles to the heel. It can strike anyone, especially those active in sports. The pain and stiffness in the heel can really put a dam…

How Exercise Can Help Prevent Neck Pain

Did you know a lot of adults, especially those who work in offices, often get neck pain? In fact, up to 80% of people might feel neck pain in a year. It's not just a small problem; it can really affect someone's life and work. It also can seriously impact…

Sleep Regularity: The Unsung Hero of Health and Longevity

We often hear about the importance of getting enough sleep, but there's another aspect of our sleep that deserves equal attention - its regularity. A groundbreaking study published in "Sleep" journal (2023) has shed light on how the consistency of our sle…

New Research - Navigating Through Chronic Neck Pain

Chronic neck pain is more than just a nuisance; it's a condition that affects daily activities and overall well-being. Chronic pain is defined as pain that’s persisted for more than 90 days. For many, the solution lies in physical therapy, a personalized…

Top 10 Ways Athletes Can Prevent Sports Injuries in 2024

While most athletes understand the basic principles of injury prevention, the real challenge lies in consistently executing these strategies within their training and daily routines. Knowing is just half the battle; actively applying this knowledge is wha…